Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My Office
Monday, July 6, 2009
Canada Day
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Reading week
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The best thing I learned from my parents
My parent is my life, and I hope that they will be proud of me. What I learn from them is respect other people. I remember my dad always tells us to respect the people, and the racialism is very not good in life. First, he said to us “there is no different between a rich man and poor man. Secondly, he said “not just because you are white that mean you are better than the color people. Also he told us if you feel strong now, and you have power. One day you are going to lose it, and you will feel weak, so respect people always because maybe one day if you treat one person very good. In future, that person will help you when you need a help. So help people when you can. Finally I learn from my parent is respect and my dad told me three things , no different between a rich and poor , no different between people just because of the color , and help people when you can.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Don't Be Shy
Monday, June 1, 2009
My Idea house
How to learn a new language
If you want to learn a new language such as English , you should follow these steps. First go to the Institute of English language. Then Focus and put your attention in the class. Third try to learn new vocabulary and put it in sentences. Next, remember the grammar you take in the class and put it sentences. Fifth listen to the radio to improve your language.. Next, try to talk with native to improve your speaking and listening.Finally , if you follow these steps , you will be good in English.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Pasta with chicken
Frist of all, take out of bones and skin of the chicken.Next, Boil pasta and drain.Then,prepare sauce , and in a large saucepan, heat oil . Thrid ,Add garlic and green pepper then stir for 2 minutes.Foruth add tomatoes, pasta sauce, salt ,and pepper.After that ,add half a cup of water and bring to boil. heat again, cover pan and wait until it bubble for 12 minutes.Finelly remove from heat, Add pasta, chicken, olives and stir well.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Different Between Kamloops and Jeddah
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Story about me
combound sentence: I am 22 years old , and I am from Jiddah
Complex sentence: After I came to this world , my father was happy
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
p4 page161
The story of Coca-Cola
A popular beverage that is sold all over the world is Coca-Cola. A doctor who lived in Atlanta, Georgia, invented it in 1886. Dr. John Pembertoin, who was also a pharmacist, first sold Coca-Cola as a nerve tonic, stimulant. and headache medicine. The name of the dark brown syrup that made people feel better was " Pemberton's French Wine Coca " Later someone addded soda water to the syrup and it became the beverage that is our modern Coca-Cola. The first part of the name (coca) comes from cocaine which was one of the original ingredients. The second part of the name (cola) comes from kola nut ,which is still an ingredient. The original formula has changed over the years. Of course Coca-Cola no longer contains cocaine ,which is an illegal drug but it still taste delicious. The formula for Coca-Cola is a secret that is carefully guarded.
p4 page 161
3. A pediatrician is a doctor who takes care of children.
4. Dr. Jones, who is our neighbor is a pediatrician.
5. Students who studied got As on the final exam.
6. Gabriela and Trinh, who studied got As on the final exam.
7. My birthday is next Monday ,which is a holiday.
8. A holiday that is especially fun for children is Halloween.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Jeddah (The final draft)
Monday, March 9, 2009
try it out page 137

There are two reasons I love and hate camping. First of all, living outdoors for a few days refreshes my mind and renews my spirit. After I have spent a few days in nature,I feel free and happy again. Second camping brings my family closer together because everyone helps plan the trip,set up the campsite and prepare the meals. On the other hand, sometimes I hate camping. The first reason is I don't sleep well. I hate to sleep on the ground because the ground is hard. When I get up in the morning, I can hardly move. My back hurts and my muscles ache. The second reason I hate camping is that we always forget something important.We forgot to bring out tent last year, so we had to sleep in the open. I didn't sleep at all because I am afraid of snakes and bugs. If I see a snake or bug, I am frozen with fear. Why do I continue to go camping when I have such a love-hate relationships with it?
Parctice 5 page 136

Monday, March 2, 2009
Jeddah , Saudia Arabia

Jeddah is a great place to spend a vacation for several reasons. First of all, Jeddah has nice weather to hang out with your friends and your family. Second, Jeddah is a good place to do some shopping because there are many malls such as red sea mall, the Arab bridge mall and Al searvi mall ,and you can find any market in the world in any mall in Jeddah.Also, in Jeddah there is a beautiful sea called Red Sea and lots of people comes from the entire world to enjoy and have fun in the beach. In Jeddah ,you can find any kind of food any where we have lots of Italian, Arabian, Indian, American, Asian Mexican, restaurants but the famous restaurant in Jeddah is Al baik because you can find a delicious food and not expensive. Also, in Jeddah there is Al shalal land that you can play and have fun with the family. Finally, I will be sure if you come to my city you will have lots of fun.
P1 C page 128

P1 C page 128

Reasons not to own a Hummer
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Practice 10 page 111
3-Then I discovered a box of my toys when I was a child.
4- Next to it, I found a greasy paper bag with a lots of my pictures inside it.
5-The discovery of my T-shirt did not surprise me.
Practice 9 page 110
2. The little black dog waited for someone to feed him.
3. My mother always bakes a delicious chocolate cake for my little brother's birthday.
4. For his tenth birthday, he received a new metal baseball bat.
5- The coach's enthusiastic, supportive manner gave the team confidence
Practice 8 page 110
3. The small red apple looked and delicious. Sweet, crisp, juicy.
4. Hundreds of happy cheering football fans ran onto the field.
5. The pretty new French teacher is from Quebec.
6. My father bought a beautiful, antique Persian rug as a twentieth anniversary gift for my mother.
Practice 7 page 110
2- Most students like friendly, enthusiastic, imaginative teachers.
3- I am tired of the cold, rainy weather.
4- I am looking forward to the warm, sunny, relaxing days of summer.
5- The prince in a fairy tale is, either, tall, dark, and handsome, or tall blond, and handsome.
6- A fairy -tale prince is never short, bald, and ugly.
Practice 6 page 108
3- Colourful rectangular flags hung from every window.
4- Children played on the thick greengrass.
5- I dream about relaxing on beautiful white sand beach.
6- They got married in small Italian stone church.
7- The parents left their two young chidren with the grandparents while they worked.
8-Mr Thompson’s English advanced class has thirty students.
9- The real estate agent pointed out several minor problems with the house.
10-Four large bedroom windows were broken.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
P2 page101
a- He has a big screen TV.
b- His bedroom is very clean and organizes.
c- He has a big back yard with a beautiful swimming pool.
d- In his kitchen he has all kinds of food.
3- Carl is a bad driver.
a- He never wears a seat belt.
b- Carl has accidents all the time.
c- His car looks bad.
d- He never stops at traffic signal.
4- The inside of taxicab was dirty.
The smell was very bad.
b- There was a lot of food all over the place.
c- There was a lot of garbage all over the place.
d- The seats looks bad
5- The student cafeteria was noisy and crowded.
a- All the people were talking loudly.
b- The students were throw food to each others.
c- Some of the students fight each others.
d- Some of the students were playing games with each others.
Monday, February 9, 2009
My Fiance

I am going to talk about someone special in my life. This person has a special place in my heart. She is my fiancée, and she always takes good care of me. I usually find her beside me in the good times and in the bad times. She is my best friend and she is the world to me. Before, I met her I was lazy boy in school and I don’t care about anything except me. After, I met her and she has changed me to the best and become a good person. Also I become a useful man in our Community. I learn from her to find dream and go for it, also I learn from her that is impossible is nothing. You can do anything you want if you really want too. What I love about her that she is giving me love and she makes me laugh very much. She loves to have some fun in her life and her life is simple. Also, she has lots of good and great friend. This is maybe the good time to thank her to be my fiancé I want her to know that I appreciate everything she is doing for me. I appreciate that she is in my life and has changed me and become a good person. Finally, I think this is the good time to tell her I am sorry if I hurt her but she know that I love her so much and I miss her but after a few month I promise her that I will come back and get married and live together forever.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
How to Fail a Driving Test

My Brother,the Sports Fan

a bicycle , and weights. Whenever he comes home from a sports event , he throws his equipment in a pile on his bed. when the pile too high you can't see his bed , his desk , or sometimes even him.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Page 72 P 3
Frequent flyers recommend these steps to prevent jet lag. First, eat a high-carbohydrate meal before your flight .Second; don't drink alcohol or coffee during the flight. Next don nap during the day you arrive. Finally go to bed early your first night in the new time zone.
2-How to Drive Your Teacher Crazy
It’s easy to drive your teacher crazy if you follow these simple directions. First, always come to class at least five minutes late. Then, make a lot of noise when you enter the classroom. Next, yawn and look at your watch as often as possible during the class. In the end, at least five minutes before the end of class, slam your books shut and stare at the door.
3- How to Wax a Car
Keeps your car looking great by following these easy steps to wax it. First, park your car in a cool, shady spot. Second, wash and dry the car thoroughly. Then, dip a damp sponge into a can of wax. After work on one section at a time, and rub the wax into the car in small circles. Fourth, after you have put wax on the entire car, start to remove it, section by section. Next use a soft towel to remove the wax in the same order that you applied it.Finally, polish the car with a soft cloth to remove any remaining wax and to bring out the shine.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
How to Make your Own Designer Jeans
Would you like to own a pair of designer jeans but can't afford to pay designer prices?
Follow these instructions to make your own pair of stylishly ripped and faded jeans. First, buy a pair of inexpensive new jeans and use a pair that you already own. Also find the direction of lines in the denim fabric, then Rup a knife back and forth in the opposite direction. You can also a cheese grater or nail file. After that keep rubbing until, white thread appear.Remeber you want the white thread to stay there don't cut them. Then dip an old toothbrush into bleach and do two things. First, run the old toothbrush around the edges of the back pockets. Second, run the old toothbrush over the belt loops. After that mix a little bleach with water in a spray bottle and spray the thighs and seat of the jeans. Of course you have to Rup sandpaper on the hems of the legs to fury them and rip one corner of a back pockets. Finally wash and dry the jeans several times after, your new jeans will look stylish old!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Living with your family has certain advantages
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The "Weaker" Sex

It is often to said that women are the weaker sex, but woman are actually superior to men in several ways. First of all, women live longer and stay healthier than men in all countries of the world. Second, this difference starts at birth and continues until old age. Third, on the average women live seven years longer than men in the United States. In addition, there are 105 boys to every 100 girls at birth, bur there are twice as many women as men at age 80. Also, women are better than men at things that involve the five senses. Sixth, women have a sharper sense of taste and smell. But, men are physically stronger than women but women are mentally stronger. For example more men than women had emotional problems, this happened during bombing attacks on London this happened in World War II. Finally, do you believe that women are “the weaker sex”?
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
home work
2-There are several hundred languages in the world, But not all of them have a written form
.3-Chinese is spoken by more people, and English is spoken in more countries.
4-. Russian is the third most spoken language in the world, and Spanish is the fourth.
5- There are about one million words in English, but most people use only about ten thousand of them.
6- Chinese has many different dialects, so Chinese people cannot always understand each other.
7- French used to be the language of international diplomacy, but now it is English.
8-International companies are growing, so they will soon need more bilingual workers.
9- Young people should know a second language, so they will be at a disadvantage in the international job market.
2- We are both medium tall, and we love the same food
3-He is an extrovert, but he calms now.
4- I am younger, so I can get what I want.
5-Our mother used to tell us, "Stop fighting or I will beat you".
6- We fought a lot as children, but now we grew up.
7- We married two sisters, so I can not go away from him.